Resurrecting py4science at UC Berkeley

Sep 16, 2013

We will be having an organizational meeting this Wednesday, September 18th, 2013 at the D-lab on the 3rd floor of Barrows Hall.

The main purpose of the first meeting is to set up the structure for the rest of the year. The goal of py4science is to bring togther people using python for science to allow for sharing of tips, tricks, and resources. This is not a meant to be a training series, instead we hope to discuss a wide range of ever changing topics:

For example:

  • source control
  • scipy or numpy advanced nugget
  • virtual env
  • integrating testing
  • package specific nuggets (eg Pandas, NetworkX, Ipython)

Example Meeting Agenda

  • newbie nuggets: @ 20 minutes on a topic of interest to new coders
  • lightning talks: (1-4) advanced topics
  • working groups (split or not-split into groups to discuss lightning topics in detail)
  • random access: bring your code issues and questions, this is the time we help each other
  • core dump: meet for beers to continue conversations

This first week we need input from you:

  • topics to cover
  • what do you think of the meeting layout
  • what do you want to see
  • how to disseminate information (mailing list, blog, wiki, newsletter)
  • engaging the community
  • industry night (May?)