Introducing py4data

Sep 25, 2013 • Bob Bell

Some folks have already found out about the new py4data working group, meeting Fridays at the D-Lab from noon-2pm. And there’s apparently some confusion. So, just to be clear:

All members of the py4science community are welcome!

And what goes on there? Here are some lightly edited words from the current organizer of py4data, Bob Bell:

I hope everyone is well. We had an awesome time last week learning how the python data analysis package pandas can help us productively work with data.

We will be meeting again Friday (9/27/2013), 12-2pm at the D-Lab (Barrows 3rd floor) to finish working through our sections in Chapter 2 and give our group presentations.

If you want to continue with Pandas, we will switch this week from Wes McKinney’s book to these [IPython notebook based resources] (

Some of us might forge ahead into [econometics and monte carlo sampling] (

As we did last week, towards the end we will discuss some of the specific topics we want to cover in subsequent meetings, based on the features we have explored the past three weeks as well as your own projects.

And, as before, I will be available 15-20 minutes before the working group session to help anyone with accessing this notebook, getting setup with, etc.