Pandas and econometrics at py4data

Oct 1, 2013 • Dav Clark


  • We had eight people show up, mostly grad students (less than normal, perhaps due to a competing job fair).
  • This week people mostly worked independently on different projects. In particular people are starting to work with their own data.
  • Almost everyone is finding it useful to use pandas to read in their data sets and some people are starting to look at doing quantitative economics on their data.
  • Py4text is in the process of merging with py4data so that we have more skills and expertise in the room at once.


Both organizers and py4data and py4text are entering a busy period of the semester and we’re realizing we have conflicts with other important events on campus. So:

  1. Py4text and py4data meetings will merge - we’ll just call it py4data in the future
  2. Py4data is on hold while we try to figure out the best time to accomodate interested members of the py4science community.

So, if you’re interested in hacking on some code with a like-minded Python community, please join the py4data working group! (details will be forthcoming here and on the mailing list.) But, there is no meeting this Friday, Oct 4 for py4data. The regular py4science meeting will meet on Wednesday, and will keep meeting on alternating Wednesdays.

As always, we’ll coordinate here on, and on the py4science mailing list!