Meeting Notes from 2013-10-02

Oct 8, 2013 • Jess Hamrick

This was the second meeting of py4science!


There were 9 attendees, with an experience breakdown of:

  • Experienced: 7
  • Intermediate: 2
  • New: 0

People came from the following departments and organizations:

  • Neuroscience
  • IPython
  • Psychology
  • D-Lab
  • Bioengineering
  • Vision Science

Working Groups

Dav talked about the differences between working groups and the py4science meeting, emphasizing that py4science is more “show and tell” while py4text/py4data is more hands-on.

Newbie Nugget

Cindee presented this week’s Newbie Nugget. The topic is about if __name__ == "__main__":

IPython notebook for the Newbie Nugget

Min pointed out that you can write files in IPython notebook using the %%file cell magic!

Jess mentioned that if __name__ == "__main__" doesn’t work well in emacs and IPython. Apparently python-mode ignores anything in the ‘if’ statement.

Lightning Talks

What’s New in IPython

Presented by Min

Awesome stuff: %matplotlib, raw_input, nbconvert, widgets

Notebook for New Features in IPython 1.0

Notebook for Upcoming Features in IPython 2.0

Python 3

Presented by Thomas

Thomas covered a range of topics, including: print, iterators, unicode, function annotation for typechecking and command line argument parsing, yield from and return from generators.

Useful tip: python -o will remove assert statements!

Update: Thomas’ Slides

Next Time: Editors

Next py4science meeting is in two weeks, on 10/16/2013!

  • Dav will do the newbie nugget
  • Overview of different editors (Each person should take about 10 minutes to describe their workflow, what things are most useful, and resources on how to get started using that particular editor).
    • Emacs: Jess
    • Sublime: Bill
    • Vim: Paul
    • TextMate: Min
    • Gedit: Dav

This meeting will be good for beginners! Please come join us to learn more.