Hacking away at py4data

Oct 25, 2013 • Dav Clark

Continuing with didactic

Dav (that’s me) led a brief tour of how easy it is to pull down financial data from one of the major providers using pandas, and using methods right there on the DataFrame to plot the results. But, there are pitfalls!

Find out more in the py4data directory in the master branch of our repo (this site is managed in the gh-pages branch).

Settling into a reasonable pace

We continue to get newcomers, and some folks have still managed to come to every meeting. While we’re building expertise as a group, you are more than welcome to drop in. Folks are making progress on everything from managing campus budgets, to automatically classifying power plants. No challenge is turned away!

Planning ahead for some open, battle tested science!

In only 4 weeks (Nov 22), we’ll be starting on a group project to make some existing scientific code open, easy-to-use, and well-tested. Tell your colleagues!

Up next

There wasn’t much feedback on what people wanted to see for the first 30 minutes of the meeting, so I just chose something I thought would be useful. Please contact me if you’re interested in hearing about a particular topic. We can also pull in expertise from other people!