Let's Get Ready to Test!

Nov 18, 2013 • Dav Clark

We’ll be having two events this coming week working towards creating well-tested, ready-to-share scientific code.

Py4science testing extravaganza

We couldn’t do py4science last week, due to some absences and illnesses. So, we’ll pick up this week Nov 20, 5-7pm with:

  • When to test (@cindeem will review this)
  • nose (@katyhuff can help)
  • py.test
  • Revisiting unittest

(Feel free to add your name above if you are planning to help with that section.)

Py4data code porting and testing

Then, Friday, Nov 22 at noon, we’ll start working on porting some pharmacological MR analysis code to battle-tested python. This project will serve as (we hope!) an exemplary model for folks wanting to create reusable code for science. Should you come even if you’re not a neuroscientist? Definitely! It’s about the process here - not the specific code.