Testing Packages: pytest and nose

Nov 20, 2013 • Dav Clark

In attendance

11 folks signed in, from:

  • Psychology
  • Nuclear Engineering
  • Vision Science
  • Physics
  • L&S
  • IPython
  • and (of course) the D-Lab


You can find out more about Nose here.

Katy presented a tutorial on testing from Software Carpentry.


You can learn more about Pytest here.

Thomas presented a notebook, which was mostly about pytest.

About this post

This is the first post where we’re using jQuery to automatically format links to IPython notebooks (code here). For now, we automatically add a link to view in nbviewer following any link ending in .ipynb. It would be pretty nifty if we could use javascript to look for a notebook server (on localhost:8888?), and offer it a notebook somehow.