Coastal Ecosystem Simulation at Py4science

Dec 11, 2013 • Dav Clark

Chris Kees and Aron Ahmadia will be presenting some of their work.

Chris is one of the lead developers of Proteus, a Python-based toolkit for the solution of partial differential equations with coastal applications. Aron is a developer of PyClaw, a Python-based toolkit for the solution of wave propagation problems. from their email:

We’re mostly interested in meeting the newly-reinvigorated py4science group, and sharing a little bit about what we’re working on over here at the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center in terms of how Python is helping us protect our coasts, estuaries, rivers, and levees.

These meetings are informal but fun. We meet from 5-7pm oon the 3rd floor of Barrows Hall in the D-lab Convening Room (largish meeting room). And there usually is pizza.

UPDATE: We saw presentations on PyClaw and a way to install such gnarly code with HashDist/HashStack! Even on Windows (and equally gnarly supercomputing clusters)!