The Python Workers' Party Inaugural Rally!

Jan 24, 2014 • Dav Clark

Python, Lenin, and a Disco Ball

Executive Summary

The Python Workers’ Party will have it’s first planning meeting this Friday at noon. We’ll figure out our plan for the semster. Please come even if you’re just getting started! Afterwards, around 1pm, Dav (and perhaps others) will be available for consulting.

A Little History

Last semester, we had two different kinds of meeting for the Python community on campus, with the following confusing names:

  1. py4science has been a continuation of the 6-ish year old user group meeting started by the IPython crew & friends.
  2. After the summer 2013 FUNdamentals class in the D-Lab, students created py4data, where people show up with their own projects, or work on learning projects together. A wide range of expertise is often available for assistance in the room.

We’re doing a complete rebrand this semester, announcing the Python Workers’ Party!

Note that, much like “py4data,” we don’t imply that you need to be a “scientist” or even be doing “science” to attend. Digital humanists, open gov types, and multi-media artists are welcome!

The Agenda

  1. Do we continue with two separate meetings this semster?
  2. When will our meetings be?
  3. Are there any particular topics / guests we’d like to see?

Revolutionary attire is encouraged.