A New Format for Python Meetings

Jan 31, 2014 • Dav Clark

The Plan

Going forward, we’ll try consolidating to just one meeting format, and do it each week.

Fridays 4-6pm
D-Lab "Convening Room" (the classroom in our main space)
First meeting: Friday 31st January 2014

We hope this time will attract both people who’re too busy during the main working day, and people who need to get home soon after work. Come and work on your own projects, or talk to other people about your shared interests. We made a map of topics people at the organisational meeting last week work on:

whiteboard with connected topics

There will be lightning talks at about 4.30pm on using Python in teaching and automated grading. If you know of projects or ideas about that, let us know at the meeting.

Update: What Happened?

17 people present with optional affiliations, interests, like: - ipython, vim, vision science - python, vim, biostatistics - IPython, pyzmq, plasma physics - iSchool, open data, IPython

Dav mentioned prose.io as a way to edit the GitHub pages (i.e., for this site). He’s also using pytest in his course: e.g., https://github.com/dlab-berkeley/python-fundamentals/blob/master/challenges/01-Intro/test_A_print_stuff.py

he Picked pytest because error messages clearer than alternatives pedagogically: it might be great to emphasize importance of testing.

Jarrod about a tutorial for students to setup a github repository

  • berkeley-stat133.github.io
  • https://education.github.com/
  • http://apis.io

Harvard cs109 is using IPython notebooks and some kind of grading (http://cs109.org)

  • (runipy) https://github.com/paulgb/runipy run IPython notebooks
  • ipnbdoctest script: https://gist.github.com/minrk/2620735
  • IPython nbconvert’s preprocessor and metadata can be used to re-execute the notebooks, and generate HTML reports in a single step