Save the Planet (with open code and data)

Apr 18, 2014 • You

BERC Cleanweb Hackathon 2.0

Local do-gooders are organizing a hackathon this weekend to engage some great coders in coming up with solutions for opening access to utility data, water conservation, and “devices and prices.” And if you don’t fit into any of those categories, you’re still eligible for the grand prize.

You can register here. And we can certainly use more mentors, even if you can only come for the afternoon!

Towards Open Data with Python

As you know, the “D” in D-Lab stands for “Social Science Data.” But we still have some pretty ad hoc methods for organizing this data. The R folks are way ahead of us.

So, I’d like to have some discussion about best practices for pythonistas to deal with open data - both in terms of libraries and in terms of archives (looking towards something like the rOpenSci project linked above). Let’s do this!