April 25th, 2014 roundup

Apr 25, 2014 • Paul Ivanov

While comrade Clark was away…

We had a great meeting with 11 people attending!

Jess Hamrick gave us an awesome overview of what it was like to attend her first PyCon . She told us about the overall format, some of the interesting talks she caught, but most importantly, how great it was to interact with the larger Python community! The videos are already up. Here’s Asheesh Laroia’s entertaining talk about Python Packaging which Jess recommended.

First-time attendee Martin, who is brand new to Python, asked about reading 55 thousand emails and starting to work with them. I (Paul Ivanov) suggested using the email module Moshe suggested OpenRefine.org as an option of munging the data, too.

It was also Matt Rocklin’s first time at the Workers’ Party. He gave us a quick spiel about PyToolz and CyToolz, two modules which bring even more functional programming ideas to Python.

Antony told us about faulthandler, a Python 3.3+ module which allows you print the stack trace and more information even if your process is dying. Unfortunately, it doesn’t really work on Windows, which Antony is forced to use due to proprietary driver software for the microscope he uses in his research and we discussed a possible workaround.

Next week, a bunch of us (Min, Thomas, Matt, and Paul) are giving talks at PyData Silicon Valley. If you haven’t registered, you can use the code CU@PyData to get 20% off of registration.