Lots to do!

May 9, 2014 • Dav Clark

Recap of PyData?

PyData was great. It was a great reminder of how there’s all these brilliant people out there working really hard to provide us with awesome free tools. You might check out the schedule and have a discussion around some of the more interesting topics.

Help a comrade out?

The D-Lab’s very own Laura Nelson would like some help multiplying large matrices (on the order of 400k x 20k). I don’t know how to do this off the top of my head, but if you could help her out on-list or at the Party, you may get points.

Neat part-time job

I connected with the folks from the Art of Problem Solving at PyData. They want to pay you to give programming feedback to high school kids. Check them out (scroll all the way to the bottom for the “Graders” section).

Carry on in Dav’s absence

This brings me to my last point – I will be busy doing something else AGAIN. But I promise, next week, I’ll show up and be super helpful and fun. Matthew Brett and I have been kicking around the idea of having a meeting about packaging, which for you academics out there could be central to developing your own CITED code projects.

Pinkies out! …or not.