Real Data Science!

Aug 8, 2014 • Dav Clark

Dealing with sort-of-big data

Last meeting I (Dav) was talking smack about Pandas while singing the praises of Blaze. Fortunately, the eminently reasonable Thomas provided counterpoint on the virtues of the admittedly excellent pandas.

But all of that is about to get cleared up by one of the current developers of Blaze:

Blaze is a new project that provides a user interface similar to NumPy and Pandas but hooks out to a variety of data and computation backends like HDF5, SQL, and Spark. By separating the user interface from the computation we enable users to easily experiment with different systems based on their needs. Blaze is experimental and so input both on new backends and on usability is welcome. For a simple usage example see the README on GitHub

Also, their logo (for now) appears to be a tesseract, which is even cooler than the mathematicians would lead you to believe. Perhaps the same is true of Blaze?

Also, devops

We’ve just minted version 0.1 of BCE (which might stand for the “Berkeley Common Environment”). As is often the case, you fine people are amongst the first to know! The goal is to provide a standard “data science” VM for campus, serving both as a standardized learning environment, and also a standard reference environment where researchers can ensure their instructions work in at least one place!

Since I’ve been busy pulling down packages, Aaron from Berkeley Research Computing (BRC) offered to explain to me (in front of all of you) how he uses a caching proxy server to speed up repetitive installs, including his efforts to make this server highly portable with Docker. You may not have heard of Docker, but trust me, they’re six ways to crazy about it in the Valley. Er, South Bay.

Help us teach!

We’re organizing the next D-Lab training here on this very website! There, you’ll see that the inimitable Matt Davis has already submitted a pull request to indicate his availability. Who will be next? How many points will they get?

Only time will tell. (Your questions will be answered on Friday, or just shoot me an email.)