
Sep 5, 2014 • Dav Clark

Efficient multidimensional arrays?

This week, we’ll continue with our exploration of high performance numberical data structures with a presentation on Xray.

And just in case you didn’t check it out last week, I promise these python xray images are worth a click!

Other (free) stuff up the hill

Lawrence Berkeley Labs has published the near-final agenda for LabTech and there’s still time to register whether you want to attend just some or all of the day’s activities on Sept 10th.

Highlights include morning mini-classes, including 3 one hour sessions on getting the most out of Python in scientific computing, a 3 hour Arduino basics class, and, new this year, Intro and Advanced LabVIEW.

The (free) Lunch and Keynote starts at noon, with an overview of what’s new (and old!) from IT this year.