Tabular Data Smackdown - HDF5 or SQL?

Nov 21, 2014 • Dav Clark

Tabular data?

Tabular data shows up all the time. You’ve probably seen it in spreadsheets, but if you need more speed, data security, or advanced features, you might be happier using something like HDF5 or SQL.

So, what to use?

It turns out that different tools are good for different jobs. @katyhuff, the organizer of the Berkeley chapter of the Hacker Within will take us through some examples of when you might use a relational database (using sqlite) vs. an efficient tabular storage format (using pytables).

If there’s time, she’ll take us through some examples of using pytables. Tutorial material is available here.

Bring your questions and data challenges, and let’s see if we can solve your problems.