R from Python with rpy2 - featuring rOpenSci!

Dec 5, 2014 • Dav Clark

Our last formal meeting of the year!

So you still want to use some R

Sure, we all love Python, but sometimes we need some fancy stats or viz in R that will just get your job done. No worries, rpy2 has your back!

As a demonstration, we’ll show how you can use the awesome open and reproducible science libraries from the rOpenSci project from an IPython notebook.

Can it possibly be that easy?!?

Yes! Unless, as per usual, you are on windows. If you’re interested, I’ll talk a bit about challenges that remain and what you might do to help.

Fancy teaching Python in the D-Lab Jan 12-16?

It’s a great experience, and we’ll even pay you (a bit)! Please register your interest at this GitHub issue if you’re interested!

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